Thursday, November 10, 2005

Ok, this is entirely unneccesary...

I read this article while at work today... and I'm kind of flabbergasted. It's noting that those crazy bitches in Japan have come up with a MICROWAVEABLE BRA. I'm pretty sure this "Revolutionary idea" is something that most of us can live without.

I'm just speaking as one woman here, but as a member of the breasted sex, I have never experienced problems with keeping my tits warm.

Seriously, think about this ladies... In all your days, have you or your friends ever uttered the phrase, "Jeez, the rest of me is perfectly warm, but doggonit, my boobs are FREEZING!" I know I haven't.

I can think of many times that I've been VERY VERY cold, like waiting forty five minutes for a train at 4 AM in February with Chicago's bone-chilling winds a-howlin' away... and even then my boobs weren't cold. In fact, I'd venture to say that my boobs were probably where the last vestiges of heat in my body were concentrated.

Now admittedly, there have been times when I've been cold and there have been times when my boobs reacted... thus the need for uttering, "Christ! It's fucking cold! I think my nipples are so hard they could cut glass!" But I don't recall my boobs actually being the cold body part I was worried about.

I've never seen any coverage on any mountain climbers losing their boobs to frostbite while climbing Everest or anything... So why do we need this?


If you really have a need to keep the twins warm, may I be the smart ass who points out that you should probably invest in a good sweatshirt, sweater, jacket, or coat. Hell, get one of those puffer vests... those are in this year!

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